How to reset your password

As a Geka Pharma member, you are able to reset your password.

Follow these steps:

Step 1

Log into your profile on the Geka Pharma platform.

To do so:

Step 2

Enter the email address that you are registered with on the Geka Pharma platform.

Step 3

Ensure that the reCAPTCHA box is ticked and click on Reset Password.

You will receive an email on the email address provided in Step 2 from where you should proceed with the process.

The below message will be displayed on-screen:

Step 4

Click on the link to reset your password in the email that you have received.

*Please note: If the email is not in your inbox, check your spam/junk folder for the email.

Step 5

Enter your email address as well as your new password and click on reset.

Step 6

You will receive an email message confirming that you have reset your password.

You can proceed to log into the Geka Pharma platform using your new password.

Contact our support team for any additional assistance:

Tel: +27 12 111 7001
